TWJUG 201908 聚會


TWJUG Slack:


  • 感謝 LINE 贊助本次活動的場地和食物!
  • 感謝 JetBrains 贊助個人版授權一年份 x 1!



主題: Armeria: The Only Thrift/gRPC/REST Microservice Framework You'll Need    

講者: Trustin Lee

Trustin Lee is a software engineer who is often known as the founder of Netty project, the most popular asynchronous networking framework in JVM ecosystem. He enjoys designing frameworks and libraries which yield the best experience to developers. At LINE+ corporation, the company behind 'LINE' the top mobile messenger in Japan, Taiwan and Thailand, he builds various open-source software, such as a microservice framework 'Armeria' ( and a distributed configuration repository 'Central Dogma' (, to facilitate the adoption of microservice architecture.


Armeria is a Netty-based open-source Java microservice framework which provides an HTTP/2 client and server implementation. It is different from any other RPC frameworks in that it supports both gRPC and Thrift. It also supports RESTful services based on Reactive Streams API and even a legacy web applications that run on Tomcat or Jetty, allowing you to mix and match different technologies into a service which means you do not need to launch multiple JVMs or open multiple TCP/IP ports just because you have to support multiple protocols or migrate from one to another.

In this session, Trustin Lee, the founder of Netty project and Armeria, shows:
- What Armeria is and why it's different from other microservice frameworks.
- How to serve gRPC, Thrift and RESTful services on a single TCP/IP port and a single JVM.
- How to make your legacy Tomcat or Jetty-based application and modern reactive RPC service coexist.
- How to use Armeria’s universal decorator API to apply common functionalities such as circuit breaker, DNS-based service discovery, distributed tracing and automatic retry, regardless of the protocol, which was previously impossible with other RPC frameworks which focused on a single protocol.


主題: Lesson learend from adoptation of Armeria - Asynchronous HTTP/2 client/server library to LINE's authentication system.    

講者: Masahiro Ide

Masahiro Ide is a Software Engineer for LINE. Masahiro is in charge of developing messaging server, Redis clusters. And masahiro is a maintainer of LINE Messaging API SDK for Java.  Also he is responsible for service development using microservice architecture with asynchronous RPC using Armeria and RxJava2


The server side of the LINE messaging service uses a microservices architecture and is transitioning to a new system using Armeria. The core part is implemented using Armeria + Thrift (or REST) to provide efficient RPC using Non-blocking (Asynchronous) I/O, and using Zipkin to trace inside of each API service, and using Prometheus/Micrometer to monitor our service metrics. In this session, we will introduce experiences, problems, obstacles, etc. that have been seen in adapting Armeria, with examples of services.


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チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2019/07/29 12:00(+0800) ~ 2019/08/15 15:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料