TWJUG 四月份聚會





  • How to Participate in the Future of Java

    Learn how to take part in Java technology evolution through the Java Community Process (JCP) program. You can participate as an individual, corporation, or nonprofit such as a Java user group (JUG). This session gives you step-by-step instructions on how to participate in the JCP Program. You will also learn about the global Adopt-a-JSR program and how you can participate in the Adopt-a-JSR program. We will discuss details such as how to run hack days, collaborate with other JUG leads on Adopt-a-JSR activities, and review use cases from other JUGs around the world contributing to the Java EE 7 and Java SE 8 JSRs. Currently there are new JSRs being submitted and developed for the Java EE 8 and Java SE 9 platforms. Find out how you have contribute to the future editions of the Java Standard and Java Enterprise Editions.

講者: Patrick Curran, the Chairman of JCP

Patrick Curran is Chair of the Java Community Process organization. In this role he oversees the activities of the JCP's Program Management Office including evolving the process and the organization, managing its membership, guiding specification leads and experts through the process, chairing Executive Committee meetings, and managing the web site. Patrick has worked in the software industry for more than 25 years, and at Sun and then Oracle for 20 years. He has a long-standing record in conformance testing, and before joining the JCP he led the Java Conformance Engineering team in Sun's Client Software Group. He was also chair of Sun's Conformance Council, which was responsible for defining Sun's policies and strategies around Java conformance and compatibility. Patrick has participated actively in several consortia and communities including the W3C (as a member of the Quality Assurance Working Group and co-chair of the Quality Assurance Interest Group), and OASIS (as co-chair of the Test Assertions Guidelines Technical Committee).

  • 阿里碰到过的一些Java问题 (暫定)

講者: 林昊 bluedavy

資深技術專家,目前就職於阿里巴巴集團—技術保障部。 2007年底加入淘寶,2008-2010年負責淘寶服務框架的設計與實現,此服務框架是淘寶3.0架構體系中的重要組件,在淘寶大範圍使用,2011年每天承載的服務請求量為300億+; 2009年與同事共同出版《OSGi 原理與最佳實踐》一書,2010年出版《分布式 Java 應用:基礎與實踐》一書; 2011年負責HBase在淘寶的落地,目前 HBase 在阿里的各家公司使用廣泛,為海量數據讀寫的業務提供了支持; 2011年下半年至今主導 T4 產品(基於 LXC),目標為大幅度的降低淘寶的運維成本; 2013年轉為運維,著力關注運維領域,主要涉及的為可維護性、穩定性、性能、成本、軟硬件結合,並根據發展需要推動系統結構演變。


  • 場地:本次場地由 cacaFly,請注意不要走錯地方
  • 報名:活動只需要在這邊或是 其中一邊報名就好,請勿兩邊報名喔 :)
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~ 2015/04/30 21:40(+0800) 販売終了
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