TWJUG x Oracle Groundbreakers 2019


Oracle Groundbreakers APAC 2019:

TWJUG Slack:


  • 感謝 Oracle 贊助本次活動的講者!


  • 本次活動收取 $300 支付場地/下午茶費用
  • 活動開始的 10 天前可以透過 KKTIX 退票,KKTIX 會收取 10% 手續費


時間 議題 講者 講者介紹 摘要
1:00~1:10  Opening      
1:10~1:55 What’s New in Last Java Versions (中文議程) Joseph Kuo 十五歲獲贈被淘汰的 386 電腦,沒有硬碟和光碟機而無法玩大補帖,只好改玩程式設計並走上這條不歸路。高中時不小心用 BASIC 寫了行事曆系統,大學唸數學副修資工時玩 C/C++/Java,弄了 BBS、部落格、電子商務平台、進銷存系統和一堆小程式,也順手用 LPC 語言寫 MUD。曾在連鎖資訊教育機構、加值簡訊服務商、遊戲雲端平台、全球電子商務網站、資安防護、以及用戶行為管理等公司中工作,負責程式撰寫、軟體設計、架構規劃以及技術教學,並參與過各式大型專案開發、實作與維護。專長是 Java、軟體工程及架構、Design Pattern、Spring/Hibernate、Cloud Computing、Open Source 及各式相關技術。狂熱地喜愛把玩各種新知技術,願望是能一輩子寫程式寫到老。 We all know that Java's release cycle now is 6 months. The Java 12 has been released in March 2019, with the next version, Java 13, to come in September 2019. This session is to introduce new features and functions in Java 12 and 13. Also, we will mention other relevant features released in the previous Java versions.
1:55~2:05  Break      
2:05~2:50  Let’s Have Fun with Reactive Programming, Using Reactor and WebFlux (English Session) Tanimoto Shin Shin Tanimoto is a solution architect, troubleshooter, and a Java Champion in Japan. He is the leader of Japan Java User Group. He has been a speaker at several conferences including JavaOne, SpringOne Platform, Java Day Tokyo. He wrote a Japanese book for Java beginners which title is "Java本格入門", definitive beginners guide for Java. Reactive programming is the next big trend in Java for IoT or streaming processing. Reactor and RxJava are the top two libraries for reactive programming that offer a healthy number of APIs. Old-style Java programmers like this BOF session’s speaker already had trouble learning the Stream API in Java 8, and they have to learn a lot for reactive programming. The session covers how to write code with Reactor and Spring WebFlux, offering basic notions of reactive programming, grammar, and some common use APIs, but it does not cover why we should learn it. Let’s have fun learning reactive programming without business talk.
2:50~3:00 Break      
3:00~3:45 The Silence of the Lambs: Promoting and Inspecting Source Code and Binaries in Continuous Delivery (English Session) Michael Hüttermann Michael Hüttermann is Principal DevOps Engineer. Michael supports enterprises in implementing Continuous Delivery, DevOps and/or SCM/ALM. He has written a couple of books including "DevOps for Developers", 2012, and "Agile ALM", 2011. He was recognized to be Oracle Java Champion in 2006, Oracle Developer Champion in 2017, Jenkins Ambassador in 2018, and Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador in 2018. Besides his project support, workshops, and trainings, Michael writes and presents about his unique approach, regularly, see <> for more information. This session discusses concepts and integrates latest DevOps enabler platforms and tools to inspect source code and its packaged Docker images as part of a holistic Continuous Delivery pipeline, from Git push with/toward Oracle Cloud. The comprehensive, interactive live demo is derived from couple of real-world success stories.
3:45~4:15 Tea Time      
4:15:5:00  MySQL Document Stroe from Java application perspective (中文議程) Ivan Tu 杜修文自2010年起加入Oracle MySQL全球業務部門,目前是Oracle的北亞區MySQL解決方案工程部經理,帶領MySQL大中華區和韓國解決方案工程團隊,致力於推廣MySQL技術並幫助企業用戶引進MySQL,以及協助大中華和韓國地區的重要客戶的大型MySQL專案的推展。
杜修文還擁有OCP Developer、SCJP、SCJWAD、SCJWSD、MySQL DBA和MySQL Cluster Administrator的認證。
MySQL database supports JSON since release 5.7, we can define JSON data columns on tables, create indexes out of JSON attributes to foster the search of JSON documents, manipulate JSON data with JSON functions that are offered by MySQL, at the same time MySQL guarantees the data integrity of the JSON documents with ACID/MVCC and crash recover features from InnoDB engine. With the advent of MySQL 8.0, we formally support full stack of JSON technique on both data storage and application tier, we can use XDevAPIs (which are from the newest application drivers for MySQL) to stew JSON data, MySQL users call those drivers as connectors. Without a doubt, Java developer can also utilize MySQL Connector/J 8.0 to access JSON documents from MySQL. With XDevAPI we ned no SQLs nor tables, only native JSON CRUD methods to manipulate data while need no knowledge of SQL or data schema. Furthermore (it would empower developers full controllability to the data), we can integrate it with most of major
Java JSON framework (such as Jackson, GSON) with XDevAPI to enhance the productivity of developers.  
This session will show you how MySQL database supports JSON and how to utilize Connector/J in your Java applications to create a fully NoSQL system. And I will show you how to create a NoSQL application with MySQL technique easily with a sample application.

5:00~5:10  Break      
5:10~5:55 Java Concurrency, A(nother) Peek under the Hood (English Session) David Buck David is a JVM engineer working for Oracle on HotSpot. He is also a maintainer of the OpenJDK Updates Project, a JavaOne Rock Star and co-author of Japan's best-selling WebLogic book.

In this session we will investigate concurrent programming in Java, with a strong emphasis on the implementation side. You’ll see how the JVM supports both the Java Concurrency API and the Java Memory Model. For example, you'll learn how Java language-level constructs such as the “volatile” keyword change the way the JVM accesses memory across a variety of CPUs. After this session, you should have a more intuitive sense of why the Java Memory Memory Model imposes the restrictions it does.

5:55~6:00 Closing      
天瓏 Coding Space / 100 台北市中正區重慶南路一段105號1F


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2019/10/07 12:00(+0800) ~ 2019/10/25 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$300

2019/10/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/10/25 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料