TWJUG 八月份聚會





  • MySQL 5.x New Features and Key enhancements and of Connector/J (英文)
    1) MySQL 5.x New Features ~30min
     Introducing new features of MySQL 5.7, Release Candidate version as of Jul 17th, including data gathering function from multiple MySQL Servers, modernized query Optimizer, brand-new JSON datatype.

    2) Key enhancements and of Connector/J ~30min
     Sharing key enhancements and tips of MySQL JDBC Driver Connector/J. Especially around fail-over and load-balancing features, there are number of useful functions you might not know yet. Also, MySQL Fabric helps implementation of "Sharding database" with minor modifications in your applications.

講者:Ryusuke KAJIYAMA

Ryusuke KAJIYAMA is the OSS specialist with over 10 years of experience in systems design utilizing MySQL and Open Source solutions. He is the original member of MySQL, and is currently responsible for managing MySQL Sales Consulting team of Asia Pacific and Japan at Oracle.

  • AWS Lambda for Java 8
    簡而言之 AWS Lambda 提供開發者一個簡單的微服務執行環境,使用它專注開發單一功能,簡化程式部署與底層基礎設施維護的困擾。AWS Lambda 在 2014 年正式上線,並選用 node.js 為第 1 個支援的語言。在今年六月終於推出新的執行環境,選用 Java 8 作為 AWS Lambda 的新 Runtime。是時候向有使用 AWS 服務的 Java 開發者介紹 AWS Lambda 的使用方式與學習過期中的心得,還有觀察到值得改進的問題。

講者: qrtt1 


  • Spring boot 1.3 新功能介紹 (暫定)

講者: koji Cubie Inc. 資深工程師

TWJUG 主辦人之一,不管什麼都會想用 Java 撰寫的工程師。最近比較常做 Android 和 iOS 端 App 的開發。


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