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主題: 用 George 教小朋友寫程式
講者: Victor Durán
Victor Durán is an inspiring Java developer with more than ten years of experience, mainly in the Telecom sector. He leads the competence group of his consultant company, encouraging other developers to improve their knowledge about JVM technologies, and mentoring junior developers to achieve their goals.
He volunteers at Jfokus and organizes Meetups to promote JVM technologies and inspire developers to follow best practices. He has spoken at JavaOne, JCrete, JJUG, and JOnsen.
In his free time, he collaborates with George Andante project to teach programming for kids around the world. He has hold workshops for Oracle Code kids, JavaZoneKids, Jfokus4Kids, etc.
本活動會用 George 這套軟體教小朋友寫程式,涵蓋的主題如下:
- 基本數學 (Basic maths)
- 幾何 (Geometry)
- 變數 (Variables)
- 函式 (Functions)
- 請自行攜帶筆記型電腦參加,作業系統不拘
- 本次活動優先開放 JCConf 2019 參加者報名,報名的時候請填寫 KKTIX 票號以供確認
- 推薦參加的小朋友年紀為 9~13 歲
- 家長可以一起參與,但座位會優先保留給參加的小朋友,敬請見諒
- 中間會有一次 20~30 分鐘的休息時間